Amazon ASIN is invalid, what are the reasons?

Amazon ASIN is invalid, what are the reasons?
Photo by Trac Vu / Unsplash

Amazon ASIN, full name "Amazon Standard Identification Number". Is a 10-letter unique identification code automatically given to goods by Amazon after the goods are listed, mainly used to identify goods in the catalog.

The ASIN code is unique, even if the same brand of products are placed in different online stores, ASIN is the same. Some sellers encounter goods on the shelf, indicating that ASIN is invalid, which may be due to violations of the seller's store, brand name and other reasons. Specific reasons why ASIN is ineffective are as follows:

1.Brand name problem

Amazon requires sellers to use the A+ page and must have a brand and platform for brand filing in order to list.

Seller should pay attention to whether the brand has a brand record and whether the brand is correctly filled in. If there is no problem, you can refresh the ASIN with a template, or sell it yourself and delete the original list.

2.Product problems

Adding a child product to a parent product that is not a true variant changes the parent product's detail page, causing it to not match the child product. Existing parent products are not multiple variants created by the creator, which would also render ASIN invalid.

In some cases, the product does not meet the product quality standards of the destination country. For example, the UK and Germany can open stores at the same time. This also happens if the product standards conform to Germany instead of the UK.

3.Product infringement

The background display of the product can be sold. If the foreground page disappears, ASIN is invalid. This could be intellectual property infringement, product quality issues or product safety risks. The Amazon platform limits this.

The seller can choose to complain or create a removal order. After the complaint is passed, ASIN needs to republish it. It can be redisplayed only when the product is activated. If you choose to delete an order, you need to delete the product on the inventory management page.

In general, after the product is put on the shelf, the seller needs to make sub-products to prevent the platform and delete the original product by mistake. You will find that Amazon is unable to create new sub-products. At this point, you can use the Amazon platform officially launched to add products tool. When the original product already exists, the asin can be automatically matched. If the sub-product on the shelf is very different from the original product, an application can be made to create a new asin, which can help solve the problem of Amazon's inability to create a new asin. After the application, it takes 15 to 20 minutes to synchronize to the product interface, and the sub-products can be sold at the same time.