Amazon Prime Day Pre-Event Bestseller Ad Strategy Sharing

We can view Amazon Prime Day as a large-scale flash sale event characterized by high traffic and high conversion rates. Participating in Prime Day is more about enhancing what’s already good; well-ranked listings will perform much better than poorly ranked ones. Therefore, before the event, we need to optimize our listings as much as possible, improve product rankings, and expand the traffic base.

1. Optimize Listing Quality to Handle the Influx of Traffic

Our titles should use the first few words to clearly state the brand, keywords, and core features. Regarding images, continuous testing is necessary; sometimes changing the product angle can significantly affect the click-through rate. Analyze competitor images for advantages, such as scenario displays and packaging images.

Try to secure badges like "Best Seller" and "Amazon’s Choice," as these are prominent and can increase buyer trust and attract their attention. Attribute information should be completed as thoroughly as possible in advance, as this affects Amazon’s traffic recommendations.

Also, don’t forget to preview the mobile display effect, balancing both web and mobile displays (Press F12 in Chrome, click the top-left icon to switch to mobile view).

2.Stabilize Product Rankings and Set Budget Consumption

To capture more traffic during major promotions, we can increase the budget for Amazon PPC or use off-site promotions to boost product rankings. Ads during this period will be more expensive, so it is crucial to precisely control the types of keywords and ad placements. If the budget is limited, consider off-site promotions; the more precise the promotion channels, the better the sales results. For low-priced products, ensure the budget can generate at least 20 to 30 sales. For high-priced products, ensure at least 2 to 3 sales.