How to find the reason why Amazon sales are plummeting

The peak season war is over, is the sales performance good? Many sellers have reported a decline in sales. In view of this problem, how to identify the potential reasons behind the drop? Steps as follows:

1.Metrics Analysis:

Review your Amazon Seller Central account's performance metrics. Look at your sales data, including conversion rates, traffic, orders, and revenue trends over various periods (weekly, monthly, etc.).

2.Competitive Analysis:

Analyze your competitors' activities. Check if new competitors have entered the market, if they're offering better prices or have improved their listings.

3.Product Listing and Visibility:

Ensure your product titles, descriptions, images, and keywords are optimized for search and appealing to customers. Check if your products are still visible in relevant searches.

4.Inventory and Availability:

Sales might decline if you're out of stock or have limited inventory. Ensure your products are available for purchase.

5.Pricing Strategy:

Evaluate if your prices are competitive compared to similar products. Consider adjusting prices if necessary.

Address any product quality issues or customer concerns promptly. Consider external factors such as changes in market demand, seasonality, economic shifts, or external events that might affect sales. If needed, seek advice from Amazon consultants, third-party services, or professionals who specialize in Amazon selling strategies.