How to remove orders on Amazon? What are the differences between removal and disposal?

Order Removal and Disposal are common order operations for sellers. So, what are the differences between the two? How does order removal work? Let's explore today.

1. How to Remove Orders?

Amazon provides two types of order operations: order removal and order disposal. For Amazon order removal, sellers can follow these steps:

▪️Log in to Amazon Seller Central: Access your seller account and log in to Amazon Seller Central.

▪️Navigate to the Orders Page: From the main page or menu in Seller Central, select "Orders" or a similar option to enter the Order Management page.

▪️Select the Order to Remove: On the Order Management page, locate the order you want to remove. Use search, filters, or date ranges to locate the order.

▪️Remove the Order: Once you've found the order to remove, select the checkbox beside it, then click on "Remove Order" or a similar button on the page. The system will prompt you to confirm the action.

▪️Confirm Order Removal: In the confirmation dialog box for removing the order, click "Confirm" or a similar button to complete the order removal process.

2. The Difference Between Amazon Order Removal and Disposal:

Regarding order disposal, it involves archiving completed orders. While the order remains visible in the order list within Seller Central, it no longer appears on the active order page.

The purpose of disposing of orders is to help sellers better manage and organize completed orders for future reference or handling related issues.

Order removal refers to the action of deleting an order from the order list. Once removed, the order will no longer appear in the Seller Central order list, and the buyer will not see the order either.

Note that removing an order does not cancel shipped items. You may need to negotiate refunds or returns with the buyer.