Reasons for Amazon Product Deactivation and Solutions for Reinstatement

In the course of Amazon's operation, sellers will inevitably face the problem of products being removed from the shelves. This can be caused by a variety of reasons and it is vital to understand these reasons and to adopt effective re-shelving solutions. Based on Amazon's official disclosure information and feedback from many sellers, we summarized the following common reasons for Amazon product deactivation.

  1. Reasons for Amazon Product Deactivation

▪️Violation of Amazon Policies: Amazon enforces strict selling policies, and breaching these policies can result in product deactivation. Examples include selling counterfeit goods, infringing intellectual property, or selling prohibited items.

▪️Product Safety Issues: Amazon maintains high standards for product safety. Products posing safety hazards or lacking necessary safety certifications may face deactivation.

▪️Product Quality Issues: High rates of negative reviews or excessive return rates can lead to product deactivation, highlighting the importance of maintaining product quality.

▪️Insufficient Inventory: Prolonged stock shortages may prompt Amazon to temporarily suspend or deactivate related products to ensure timely delivery services.

▪️Seller Account Problems: The health of a seller's account directly impacts product sales. Low account ratings or violations of Amazon's seller code of conduct may lead to product deactivation.

▪️Misclassification of Products: Mislabeling products into inappropriate categories can result in product deactivation.

▪️Issues with Product Images or Descriptions: Amazon requires clear and accurate product images and descriptions. Blurry images, inaccurate descriptions, or misleading information may lead to product deactivation.

▪️Pricing Concerns: Abnormal pricing, such as significantly higher prices than market value or frequent fluctuations, may be perceived as price manipulation, leading to product deactivation.

2. Solutions for Reinstatement

▪️Access the Amazon Seller's background: Log in to the seller's background to find the warehouse where the suspended item is located.

▪️Find Suspended items: Find suspended items in Inventory or Inventory Management and use the search function to find them quickly.

▪️View product status: Go to the product details page, view the status of the product, and find options such as "Re-list" or "Edit".

▪️Click to re-list or Edit: In the product details page, click the appropriate option to start the re-listing process.

▪️Modify product information as required: Modify product information as required by Amazon to ensure that all information is accurate, complete and in accordance with policies.

▪️Submit a re-listing request: After modifying the product information, submit a re-listing request, which will be reviewed by the Amazon system.

▪️Wait for review results: Wait for Amazon's review results, usually between hours and days.

▪️Notice and email: Amazon will notify the seller of the audit result through notice and email, and pay attention to it in time.

▪️Check item status: If approved, the item will be re-listed, and the seller will check the item status to ensure normal display and sale.

▪️Check the product list: Make sure that the re-listed item is already in the list and can be sold normally.