What are the characteristics of Amazon's headline Ads? How to open?

Amazon Headline Ads is a display advertising service based on user behavior and interests, aimed at showcasing products across various positions on the Amazon website and mobile apps to effectively increase product exposure and drive sales. Below are the characteristics of Headline Ads and steps to activate the Amazon Headline Ads feature.

1. Unique characteristics of Headline Ads

▪️Precise targeting: Headline Ads achieve precise targeting of potential target customers by analyzing users' search history, shopping behavior, and interests. This ensures that the advertiser's products are seen by users most likely to make a purchase.

▪️Diverse Ad placements: Headline Ads appear not only on search results pages but also in various positions such as product detail pages, shopping cart pages, and more. This diversity covers different stages of the user's shopping journey.

▪️Rich Ad formats: Advertisers can choose from multiple ad formats, including image ads, video ads, and custom ads. This flexibility makes the ads more attractive and able to meet the needs of different sellers.

2. How to Activate Amazon Headline Ads

▪️Login to Seller Central:

Log in using your account credentials.

▪️Access the Ad management page:

Click on the "Advertising" option in the top menu bar of Seller Central to access the advertising management page.

▪️Create a new Ad campaign:

On the advertising management page, click the "Create Ad Campaign" button to initiate the creation of a Headline Ads campaign.

▪️Select Ad type:

During the campaign creation process, choose "Sponsored Display" as the ad type.

▪️Set Ad campaign parameters:

Name the ad campaign, select the delivery date range, set daily and total budgets. Set the priority of ad delivery, such as "Even delivery" or "Accelerated delivery."

▪️Choose Ad targeting strategy:

Headline Ads support various targeting strategies such as product targeting, audience targeting, and ASIN targeting. Select the desired targeting strategy based on requirements and add relevant products or audiences.

▪️Upload Ad creative:

Upload ad images or videos, set ad headlines, and specify the link destination. Ensure the ad creative complies with Amazon's advertising policies.

▪️Submit for review:

After completing the above steps, submit the ad campaign. Amazon will review the ad, and upon approval, Headline Ads will start running.